The Czech Frosty Rabbit Club 






(Adopted December 12, 2022)
Section 1. The membership fees and dues of the club shall be paid in U.S. currency as follows:
A) Adult – $5.00 per year
B) Husband & Wife (or 2 cohabitating adults) – $8.00 per year
C) Youth (under 19 years) – $3.00 per year
D) Family (2 or more at same address) – $10.00 per year
E) Life Membership – 20 times the annual dues
Section 2. Membership Defined
A) Adult Membership is open to anyone who has reached their 19th birthday by the date of joining
the club, or any youth member who has passed their 18th birthday and wishes to convert their
youth membership to an adult membership. Each Adult membership is entitled to one vote in club
B) Husband & Wife (or 2 cohabitating adults) is open to 2 persons aged 19 years or older and living
within the same household. This category is allowed two (2) votes in club affairs.
C) Youth Membership is open to anyone who is under or through 18 years of age. Birthdates must
be supplied with the membership application. This category of membership is NOT allowed to
D) Family (2 or more persons at the same address) is open to anyone regardless of age. All
persons who have not reached their 19th birthday must supply their birth date on the membership
application for CFRC bookkeeping purposes. This category is allowed up to two (2) votes in club
affairs, if two (2) of the members are at least 19 years of age when the vote is taken.
Section 3. Members whose dues are not paid by the 31st day of December of each year shall be
considered delinquent. Failure to renew membership within 30 days of expiration (January 30) shall
result in automatic termination of membership and loss of membership privileges including all
accumulated sweepstakes points.
Section 4. Sweepstakes Show sanction fees shall be as stated in the CFRC Sweepstakes Show Rules.
Section 1. The CFRC shall be affiliated with the ARBA.
Section 2. Any local, state, or district organization chartered by the ARBA may affiliate with the CFRC
upon making application to the Secretary of the CFRC along with a copy of their Constitution, By-Laws,
Show Rules, and a list of their Board of Directors; and provided the Constitution, By-Laws, Regulations,
or Show Rules of such organization do not conflict with the Constitution, By-Laws, or Show Rules of the
CFRC, and provided all officers of the applying organization are members of the CFRC and the ARBA.
Section 3. Each such organization becoming so affiliated shall pay an initial fee of ten ($10.00) dollars
and a renewal fee of five ($5.00) dollars. Renewals are due on January 1st of each year. If renewal is
submitted after March 1st, the club must pay the initial fee of ten ($10.00) dollars.
Section 4. The organization’s affiliation with CFRC is subject to the Constitution, By-Laws, Authority, and
Discipline of the CFRC and the ARBA.
Section 5. Each such organization shall be allowed one delegate at any meeting of the CFRC.
Section 6. Any delegate may cast the votes of the organization as authorized, in writing and signed by
the President and Secretary of the organization which he/she represents.
Section 7. Affiliated Czech Frosty clubs should be listed in each issue of the newsletter as well as on the
Section 8. An Annual Report of the affiliated organization shall be filed with the CFRC by September 1st
of each year. Repeated failure to submit an annual report and membership may be revoked.
Section 1. Any person interested in Czech Frosty rabbits may become a member of the CFRC by making
application, and upon the payment of dues as provided in the By-Laws, and by agreeing to comply with all
rules, regulations, and mandates of the CFRC and the ARBA.
Section 2. Application for membership shall be made in writing or electronically to the Secretary and shall
be accompanied by dues as provided in the By-Laws. The Secretary will forward the dues to the
Section 3. The Executive Board reserves the right to accept or reject, for just cause, any application for
Section 4. New membership shall be acknowledged by the issuance of a CFRC Membership Card and/or
Certificate dating from the time of such acknowledgement and terminating after one year.
Section 5. Members whose dues are not paid by the 31st day of December of each year shall be
considered delinquent. Failure to renew membership within 30 days of expiration (January 30) shall
result in automatic termination of membership and loss of membership privileges including all
accumulated sweepstakes points.
Section 6. The fees for a new application received after June 30th of each year shall be one-half (1/2) the
amount of the full year’s dues. Fees for a new application received after September 30th of each year
shall be one-quarter (1/4) the amount of the full year’s dues.
Section 7. All adult members in good standing shall have the right to vote in person at the meetings of
the organization as well as by mail or electronically for election of officers or upon any other matters
submitted by the Executive Board.
Section 8. Members may not vote by proxy.
Section 9. A Life Membership shall be awarded upon application to any member who has held a CFRC
membership for at least twenty (20) consecutive years. In addition, the Executive Board, by vote, award a
Life Membership to any deserving person. A Life Membership can also be purchased pursuant to the ByLaws.
Section 10. The Executive Board may, by vote, award an Honorary Membership to any person
distinguished for his/her political, scientific, industrial, or administrative capacity. Honorary Members shall
be exempt from all dues, fees, or subscriptions, and shall not have the right to vote at any meeting of the
CFRC, or on any vote by mail or electronically, unless also a regular paid member of the CFRC and the
Section 11. Any youth under and through eighteen (18) years of age may become a member of the
CFRC by making application and forwarding membership dues to the CFRC Secretary as per Article IV,
Sections 1 & 2 of the Constitution. Youth members shall abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the
CFRC and the ARBA and shall have all the rights and privileges of an adult member, except the right to
vote on CFRC affairs.
Section 1. The annual CFRC membership meeting shall be held during the annual ARBA National
Convention, such place to be designated by the Executive Board. Notice of time and place for holding
such meeting shall be set forth in writing by the Secretary at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of such
Section 2. In the absence of such a meeting, club business shall be conducted and acted upon by mail or
as explained in the CFRC Constitution’s Article VII Section 3 by members of the Executive Board. At the
discretion of the President, club business may be presented to the total CFRC membership for mail
and/or electronic vote.
Section 3. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the President at their discretion on any day
and time deemed necessary and convenient. These meetings may be held via electronic medium.
Section 4. A quorum must be present for business to be transacted. At all other meetings a quorum shall
be 1/3 of the Executive Committee and five (5) members of the CFRC in good standing. A minimum of
three (3) members of the Executive Board shall attend Board meetings.
Section 5. If no quorum is present, the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting to a day and hour of
his/her designation. No decisions may be made at any such meeting lacking a quorum; however, reports,
communications and discussion may be heard. The CFRC membership shall be given notice of the new
meeting with the time and location on the CFRC website (if more than 48 hours in advance) and on the
CFRC social media pages and via email to the membership.
Section 6. Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be considered as the final authority and shall
govern the proceedings of all meetings of the CFRC, subject to any special rules that may be adopted.
Section 7. The Order of Business at all meetings shall be:
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Introduction of new members/guests
C. Reading of the Minutes of the previous meeting
D. Report of the Executive Board
E. Report of the Secretary
F. Report of the Treasurer
G. Report of the Committees
H. Reading of Communications
I. Unfinished Business
J. New Business
K. Discussion
L. Adjournment
Section 8. All rules as per Article III and Article IV of the Constitution are incorporated herein.
Section 1. The President shall:
A) Preside at all meetings of the CFRC and the Executive Board;
B) Act as Chairman of the Executive Board;
C) Appoint all committees not otherwise provided for;
D) Fill all vacancies with majority Executive Board approval;
E) Call special meetings of the CFRC or Executive Board, in accordance with the Constitution and
By-Laws; and
F) See that the Annual Report of the CFRC is delivered at the Annual National ARBA Convention by
a duly appointed member;
G) Be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors and of all committees;
H) Be authorized to transact business with members of the Executive Board by means of electronic,
paper or other means that all Board members have available when calling a meeting thereof is
I) Perform such other duties as pertain to his/her office, or as directed by the Executive Board.
Section 2. The Vice President shall:
A) Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or in the event of his/her inability to act;
B) Automatically succeed to the office of the President if that office should become vacant;
C) Be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors;
D) Perform such other duties as pertain to his/her office, or as directed by the Executive Board.
Section 3. The Secretary shall:
A) Conduct all general correspondence of the CFRC
B) Keep on file all letters received, together with a copy of all letters sent out by him/her;
C) Receive and act upon all applications for membership;
D) Send out all notices of meetings of the CFRC or Executive Board;
E) Be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors and shall act as Secretary of the Executive
F) Keep the minutes of all meetings. Such minutes shall be signed by the Secretary, a printed copy
kept on file, and printed in the next issue of the newsletter;
G) Maintain a list of standard operating procedures as designated by the Executive Board on issues
not covered by the Constitution, By-Laws and Sweepstakes Show Rules;
H) Where no meetings are held, he/she shall lay facts before the Executive Board by letter (paper
or electronically) together with his/her recommendations, if any, and receive instructions in a like
I) Keep on file a permanent printed record of all changes proposed to the Constitution, By-Laws &
Sweepstakes Show Rules; as well as a record of the results of the vote and changes on each;
J) Keep an up-to-date membership list with current contact information including email, phone
number, physical addresses and send out Membership Cards/Certificates to those who
apply/renew their membership;
K) Notify all members sixty (60) days prior to membership expiration at their provided current
address/information and in the newsletter. If their renewal is not received within thirty (30) days of
such expiration, shall send another notice of their expiration and removal. The Secretary shall
then remove them from the membership roster if renewal is not received by thirty (30) days past
their expiration;
L) Prepare and provide any media approved by the Executive Board representing the CFRC for
printing and/or distribution by the membership with a copy placed on file;
M) Assist the newsletter editor, website editor, and Executive Board as needed;
N) At the discretion of the Executive Board, he/she shall furnish to the CFRC a bond in sufficient
amount to cover all assets of the CFRC under his/her control. Said bond shall be approved by
the President. The cost of any such bond shall be paid by the CFRC;
O) Request a sanction from the ARBA for the annual CFRC National Show for the date and place
approved by the Executive Board.
P) Consult and advise the Executive Board on all such matters of policy as he/she deems unusual
or advisable;
Q) Fulfill all duties and responsibilities of the position.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall:
A) Collect all monies due the CFRC in U.S. funds;
B) Make all purchases, pay all debts, and transact all business authorized by the Executive Board
from the funds of the CFRC;
C) At the discretion of the Executive Board, he/she shall furnish to the CFRC a bond in sufficient
amount to cover all assets of the CFRC under his/her control. Said bond shall be approved by the
President. The cost of any such bond shall be paid by the CFRC;
D) Act as custodian of all property and funds of the CFRC;
E) Pay the Annual Charter fee to the ARBA by January 1st of each year;
F) Keep accurate records of all income, expenditures, and location of all funds and assets of the
CFRC and prepare a working budget;
G) The Treasurer’s books shall be closed as of the end of the fiscal year. The fiscal year shall be
January 1st to December 31st of each year. The previous year’s records shall be presented to the
Executive Board at the Annual National ARBA Convention and shall be audited no later than
March 1st. Once audited, the books shall be kept on file with the Treasurer;
H) Provide a monthly report of CFRC funds to the Executive Board and a quarterly report to the
CFRC membership body by publishing it in the newsletter;
I) Fulfill all duties and responsibilities of the position.
Section 5. The Board of Directors shall:
A) Have the power to transact all business of the CFRC between meetings;
B) Shall authorize expenditures of funds, but no expenditures shall be authorized beyond the
assets of the CFRC;
C) Shall act upon charges brought before them;
D) Shall devise ways and means to carry out the objects of the CFRC and the membership;
E) Shall decide all questions of policy as may be deemed necessary for the conduct of the business
of the CFRC;
F) Shall pass on any and all special legislative matters found desirable;
G) Require that the books of the Treasurer be audited at the end of each fiscal year and upon their
retirement from the office;
H) Between annual CFRC meetings, shall conduct routine or special business, hold hearings and
reach decisions by vote (either mail or electronic) with a majority vote required for passage and the
decisions being sent to the Secretary for placing on file and reporting to the membership.
Section 1. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint by January 31st the
standing Department or Committee Chairmen and committee members, as authorized herein. The term of
each standing committee, Department Chairman and committee member shall be through the later date
of either December 31st or date of appointment of replacement. The term for any special committee shall
be completion of their assigned task. The President shall have authority to make such replacements as
are considered to be in the best interest of the Association.
Section 2. Each Department and Committee shall be authorized to make such expenditures from CFRC
funds for its operation as are authorized in its annual budget and as approved by the Executive Board
and subject to CFRC By-Laws.
The following shall be, but are not limited to, the general responsibilities of all persons appointed to serve
on any committee of the CFRC.
A) Each person appointed shall be responsible for carrying out the activities as specified within that
committee description or he/she should request to be removed from said committee.
B) Each person on the committee or department shall be a valid member of the CFRC.
C) Should be a member fail to carry out the responsibilities as prescribed, he/she may be removed
by the President from said committee with the approval of the Executive Board.
D) Each member of any committee shall be responsible for answering all correspondence addressed
to him/her in a timely manner.
E) Each department and Committee Chairman shall submit data and information on his/her group’s
work at regular intervals, not less frequently than each annual meeting, to the Executive Board,
and to the membership of the CFRC at each annual meeting, unless otherwise provided or as
F) Each member of any committee shall be responsible for making decisions which will be in the
best interest of the Czech Frosty rabbit breed and the majority of the CFRC members.
G) All decisions by a committee must have been approved by a majority of the entire committee
before being presented to the Executive Board.
A) A committee consisting of not less than three (3) persons shall be appointed by the President for
the purpose of reviewing, receiving, and/or proposing changes, amendments, or resolutions to
the Constitution, By-Laws and Sweepstakes Show Rules.
B) The Committee Chairman shall be responsible for preparing and submitting any proposed
changes, amendments or resolutions to the Executive Board prior to publication for the general
membership’s consideration.
C) It shall be further the responsibility of the Chairman to assure publication of any and all proposed
Constitutional, By-Laws, Sweepstakes Show Rules changes amendments or resolutions for the
consideration of the general membership prior to voting as provided for in Article IX of the CFRC
Constitution through the use of the newsletter, Members Only CFRC social media pages, email,
and/or general mailing to the full membership.
D) The Committee Chairman is responsible for keeping a working copy in a publishing program of
the Constitution, By-Laws, and Sweepstakes Show Rules. When changes have been approved
by the membership a copy of the corrected Constitution, By-Laws and Sweepstakes Show Rules
must be sent to each: the Secretary to keep on file, Historian to hold for historical record, and
Website Editor for web update.
The Standards Committee shall consist of one (1) ARBA licensed judge who is also an active CFRC
member and not less than three (3) active Czech Frosty breeders and members in good standing with the
CFRC who shall be appointed for the purpose of:
A) Receiving, reviewing, and developing any proposed changes to the Standards of the Czech
Frosty breed;
B) The responsibility of preparing any proposed revisions in the Czech Frosty breed standards
according to the ARBA timelines.
C) The committee shall be responsible for reviewing the validity and necessity of all requested
changes and for the submission of any and all valid proposed changes to the Executive Board
prior to publication for consideration by the general membership.
D) The Committee Chairman shall publish in the newsletter, electronic mail, and on the Members’
Only section of CFRC social media, any revisions under consideration approximately six (6)
months prior to the time of the proposed membership vote with the intent of informing the
membership and soliciting debate.
E) Changes approved by the committee shall be submitted to the Executive Board prior to
publication in the newsletter, electronic mail, and on the Members’ Only section of CFRC social
media, for the membership’s vote.
F) A simple majority vote of the membership, per the ARBA rules governing changes in
breed standards, is required to approve any changes.
The Judge Nomination Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) active Czech Frosty breeders
and members in good standing with the CFRC who shall be appointed for the purpose of:
A) Nominating Czech Frosty judges for the annual ARBA National Convention. Effort should be
made to see that this Committee’s membership is geographically representative of the CFRC
B) The Committee Chairman will send a judge nomination form to the Secretary of each Czech
Frosty Associated Club and to each Executive Board member by March 1st of each year.
Nomination forms must be returned to the Committee Chairman by April 15th.
C) The Committee members will screen the nominees and vote yes or no on each nominee. A judge
nominee needs a majority affirmative vote of the Committee members voting to be placed on the
voting list.
D) The Committee Chairman will send this voting list to the Secretary. The Secretary will send the
voting list to the Executive Board by July 15th to have the list as a whole approved by a majority
vote of the Executive Board.
E) The Secretary will contact the judges on the approved list by August 1st to determine their
availability to judge future ARBA National conventions.
F) Judges who are available to judge shall be placed on a ballot to be voted upon at the CFRC
Annual Membership meeting at the ARBA National Convention.
G) The top five (5) majority vote holders will be hired for the first year they are available, with the
total number of judges hired more than seven (7) years in advance not to exceed 6 for any given
H) When the site of the next convention is announced, the Committee Chairman will add any
Additional Czech Frosty judges necessary from the approved list provided to the membership.
Highest majority vote holders will be contacted first.
I) The list of retained judges for future conventions will be published once a year in the newsletter.
J) Judges who provide judging services at the annual National Czech Frosty breed Convention are
not eligible to provide judging services at that year’s annual ARBA National Convention for the
Czech Frosty breed shown.
The Scholarship Committee shall be appointed for the purpose of:
A) Raising scholarship funds and donations;
B) Selecting scholarship recipients;
C) Creating and updating the forms and procedures for scholarship application.
D) All funding for the CFRC Scholarship will be funded through donations and other fundraising
F) The number and amount of annual awards shall be determined by the Scholarship Committee,
but in no case shall any awarded scholarships exceed the money available and designated as the
scholarship funds.
The Guide Book Committee shall be appointed for the purpose of:
A) Creating, updating and printing the CFRC Guide Book; and
B) Shall be responsible for content, artwork, layout, advertisements, and reprinting of the Czech
Frosty Guide Book not less than every five (5) years or as directed by the Executive Board.
The Convention Booth and Auction Chairman shall be appointed for the purpose of performing such
activities as necessary to this position at all ARBA National Conventions and with any Auctions the CFRC
holds. The responsibilities shall be, but are not limited to, the following:
A) Provide for the decorating, security and manning of the Czech Frosty booth during the ARBA
Convention within a budget assigned by the Executive Board. Booth decorations to include a
banner with the club name, Czech Frosty Logo and Convention theme;
B) Provide for the dismantling of the booth at the close of the Convention, consistent with the rules
established for that Convention site;
C) Be responsible to assure collection of all items and provisions for all activities in the booth during
the Convention and posting of all CFRC activities during the Convention;
D) Be responsible, and accountable, for the funds received as a result of the CFRC activities in the
booth, and shall provide a report of those funds to the Treasurer within ten (10) days of the close
of the Convention and/or daily at the auctions/raffles;
E) Collect donated items for the booth, auctions, and raffles;
F) Report any concerns, suggestions, and results to the Executive Board;
G) May secure all assistance needed to perform above duties.
The ARBA Convention Breed Chairman shall be appointed for the purpose of performing such activities
necessary to this position at all ARBA National Conventions. The responsibilities shall be, but are not
limited to, the following:
A) Providing for suitable accommodations for the CFRC banquet, and its members’ lodgings, and
advertising and distribution of banquet tickets, as well as banquet decorations;
B) Act as liaison with the sponsoring club regarding the cooping and grouping of the Czech Frosty
C) Provide for the checking in and out of all Czech Frosty entries;
D) Provide for the feeding and watering of all Czech Frosties for the duration of the Convention;
E) Provide for the transporting of all Czech Frosties to and from the judging tables;
F) Provide for the maintenance of the Czech Frosty area, including sweeping, and any clean-up
G) May secure all assistance needed to perform the above duties;
H) Relay information to the Executive Board regarding the ARBA Convention details established;
I) Prepare Czech Frosty Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex of Breed, and Best Fur for both Open
and Youth charts and complete them as judges cast their votes for these awards to be displayed
at the CFRC booth;
J) Assist in completing any necessary convention reports required by the host club;
K) Report the results and any concerns to the Executive Board.
Section 11. HISTORIAN:
A) Responsible for maintaining a history of the CFRC. This shall be accomplished by maintaining a
file of the minutes, copies of the newsletters and guidebooks, lists of contest winners for each
year, yearly list of Directors and Officers and all copies of the Constitutions, By-Laws, and
Sweepstake Show Rules, along with a listing of all social media and websites.
B) May keep anything that shows the history of the CFRC.
C) Responsible for bringing historical information to the attention of the membership by means of
news articles, pictures, handouts, presentations, etc.
D) Shall be the Secretary until such time as the President assigns a member to this position.
A) A committee shall be appointed for the purpose of receiving, opening, and tabulating
the results of all elections or balloting of the membership.
B) The Chairman shall be responsible for maintaining on file all ballots for a period of not less
than one hundred twenty (120) days after the close of any election or balloting.
C) It shall further be the responsibility of the Chairman to assure submission of all election or
balloting results to both the President and Secretary immediately.
The Sweepstakes Chairman shall be appointed for the purpose of performing such activities necessary to
maintaining the CFRC Sweepstakes contests per the CFRC Sweepstakes Show Rules. The
responsibilities shall be, but are not limited to, the following:
A) Receive Czech Frosty sanction requests and issue all Czech Frosty sanctions for sponsoring
B) Make sure that current and accurate sweepstakes point records are kept.
C) Make sure that current sweepstakes standings are published in the club newsletter and on
the club website quarterly.
D) Review and recommend updates to the sweepstakes rules.
E) Clarify questions on the sweepstakes as they may arise.
F) Oversee the selection and awarding of yearly sweepstakes awards.
At the discretion of the President, a specific purpose committee(s) may be appointed to carry out the
objective of the committee. At the completion of that objective, the committee shall be discharged.
A) The President shall appoint the newsletter editor for the purpose of publishing a quarterly
newsletter (Spring, Summer, Winter, Autumn) and any special editions necessary.
B) The editor is responsible for establishing time frames, editing and layout of all material and
articles to assure the timely publication of the newsletter. The editor may request a decision by
the President before publishing material or articles viewed as controversial in nature.
C) The editor shall also be responsible for establishing a fee schedule for advertising after
consultation with the Executive Board. Advertisers shall be notified when their advertisements
D) The editor shall publish the list of members whose dues are expiring.
E) The editor shall publish any information for the Executive Board regarding the CFRC
membership, including changes to the Constitution, By-Laws, and/or Sweepstakes Show
F) The editor shall serve as the contact person for the newsletter printer on all production issues.
G) The membership may provide information, articles, photographs, and any other information to the
editor for consideration to be published in the newsletter.
H) The editor shall bring any suggestions, concerns or problems made known to him/her to the
attention of the Executive Board regarding the content or publication newsletter.
I) At the discretion of the Executive Board, he/she shall furnish to the CFRC a bond in sufficient
amount to cover all assets of the CFRC in his/her possession or under his/her control. The cost of
any bond shall be approved by the Executive Board and such bond shall be paid by the CFRC.
A) The President for the purpose of maintaining the CFRC website shall appoint a Website Editor.
B) The Website Editor shall serve as Chairman for any Website Committee that may be formed.
C) The Website Editor shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the CFRC website at
least once per month.
D) The Website Editor shall be responsible for advising, maintaining, and updating any social
media of the CFRC including Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media of the CFRC.
E) The Website Editor shall update the Executive Board regarding any proposed changes or
updates or concerns regarding the Websites.
F) The Website Editor may request a decision by the President prior to publishing any information on
the Website, which may be viewed as controversial in nature.
G) The Website shall include the following minimum information:
1) Directory information of the current Executive Board members and when their term expires;
2) Newsletter Editor link and cost(s) for advertisement and paper copy of the newsletter;
3) Website Editor information;
4) Affiliated Czech Frosty clubs and their shows;
5) Breeder listing by state;
6) Sanction and membership application information;
7) Any upcoming shows sanctioned by the CFRC;
8) The results from the past annual ARBA National Convention and Annual National Czech
Frosty breed Convention; as well as information on those shows for the current year when
9) Current sweepstakes standing for Open and Youth;
10) Any additional information recommended by the Website Editor if approved by the Executive
H) The Website Editor will send a copy of the annual hosting bill to the Treasurer, who, upon receipt,
will reimburse the cost.
I) For continuity purposes the Website Editor is required to file a copy of access codes and
passwords for the website and any social media accounts with the President and Secretary for
safe keeping in the case the Website Editor should become incapacitated or unavailable.
Section 1. All contests shall run from July 1st to June 30th of the following year.
Section 2. Sweepstakes Contest:
A) The CFRC shall sponsor a sweepstakes contest for the following categories:
1) Overall Open;
2) Overall Youth;
3) Open Fur; and
4) Youth Fur
B) The rules and awards for the above contest shall be found in the Sweepstakes Show Rules and
are incorporated herein.
Section 1. The interpretation by the Executive Board of the CFRC of the Constitution, By-Laws,
Sweepstakes Show Rules, Regulations, Notices, Resolutions, properties and of the CFRC documents
and Orders shall be binding upon all members of the CFRC.
Section 2. All notices required to be sent to any member of the CFRC shall be sent by mail, email, or
included in the newsletter, prepaid to the member’s address as it appears on the books of the CFRC.
Such mailing shall be presumptive evidence of the service thereof. Any change of address must be sent
promptly to the office of the Secretary of the CFRC.
Section 3. Charges of misconduct of a member, Officer, or Director shall be made in writing to the
Secretary and shall be considered with the defense of the offender by the Executive Board. The
Executive Board may suspend or expel any member of the CFRC for conduct, which, in its judgment,
warrants such action. This action requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the entire Executive Board. This
vote may be taken by mail and/or electronically if deemed advisable. The offender expelled or suspended
may appeal to the CFRC membership at the next regular meeting.
Section 4. The Executive Board may, on all matters regarding interpretation, conduct routine or special
business, hold hearings, and reach decisions by a means of communication with the results recorded and
kept on file. This can include but is not limited to mail, electronic correspondence, teleconference and
video conference. Votes are to be reported in the Secretary’s minutes. All decisions and votes shall be
reported in the newsletter and on the CFRC member’s only social medial pages.
Section 5. If a complaint of misconduct in office is brought against any elected officer or director of the
CFRC, the Executive Board shall be polled as soon thereafter as possible and,
A) If the Executive Board determines that there is a reasonable basis for such complaint and that the
CFRC could be adversely affected by the retention in office of said Officer or Director, the
Executive Board my in its own discretion suspend such person pending final determination as set
forth therein.
B) The President, or if the President be charged, the Board of Directors, shall appoint a special
committee to investigate the complaint and within a reasonable time report its findings.
C) The Board of Directors shall receive the findings of the special committee and shall determine
whether a special meeting of the Executive Board shall be convened for a hearing on the
complaint and consideration of the committee report or to defer action on the complaint until the
next regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Board.
D) The complainant and the accused shall be notified of the date of any meeting of the Executive
Board and shall be afforded the opportunity to present evidence relating to the charge.
E) The determination of the Executive Board shall be final resolution of the matter, subject to the
appeal process set forth in Article Vi, Section 8 hereof.
Section 6. Any recount shall be made by a committee of three (3): the contestor shall pick one (1)
member, the Board of Directors shall pick one (1) member, and a third member shall be chosen by these
two members of this committee. All three members of the committee shall be members of the CFRC. The
committee shall assemble either in person or electronically and count all ballots cast of the office or
question in dispute, and the report of the recount, certified to the Board of Directors shall be final.
Section 8. An appeal may be taken from any ruling of the Executive Board to the next annual meeting of
the members of the CFRC.
Section 1. Any alteration to or amendment of the By-Laws, Constitution and/or Sweepstakes Show Rules
may originate from the general membership or the Executive Board.
Section 2. Any proposed Resolution shall be confined to one (1) subject.
Section 3. The Constitution, By-Laws, or Sweepstakes Show Rules may be amended by a two-thirds
(2/3) majority of all eligible voting members present at the annual meeting providing that all members
have been notified in writing of the proposed changes at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.
The item to be considered must appear on the agenda of the meeting.
Section 4. Amendments will take effect thirty (30) days after the vote is recorded.
Section 5. The adopted resolution shall be printed in the following issue of the newsletter, with the ballots
and a written copy of the resolution kept on file.
Section 1. The CFRC is the sole owner of the official CFRC Logo and owns all copyrights to the image.
Section 2. The CFRC Logo may only be sold on official CFRC merchandise by the CFRC.
Section 3. The CFRC Logo may appear on club correspondence, the club publications, club forms and
on the club website.
Section 4. The CFRC Logo may be used on awards only at the annual Czech Frosty Nationals and the
ARBA Convention.
Section 5. Other permissible uses:
No other entity may create or sell merchandise featuring the CFRC Logo, including parts of the
logo without first obtaining permission from the CFRC board with an agreed upon compensation
made to the club for its use. Any authorized use may not compete with existing club merchandise
without specific permission given to do so.
In the event of dissolution of the CFRC, all debts and liabilities are to be paid in full. Any remaining funds
and assets shall be distributed to the ARBA Youth Scholarship Fund.
Unanimously approved and agreed upon this 12th day of December 2022 by the CFRC Executive Board. and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.